Fix Cement Grouting Between Paving Bricks

At last, something that works

Wondering how to fix cement grouting between paving bricks? Firstly, we need to explore why cement grouting does not work. Flagstones and paving bricks in South Africa are commonly grouted with cement, but the unfortunate truth is that cement grouting simply doesn’t work! This is due to cement grouting expanding and contracting at a different rate to the pavers due to temperature variations. This means that cement grouting will always crack and chucks will dislodge over time. Attempts to patch this with more cement often makes the problem even worse rather than resolving it.

The most effective solution for repairing existing cement grouting is with a resin-based paving mortar. ROMEX® D1 paving grouting is a two-component resin jointing mortar specifically designed for driveways, parking spaces, and areas enduring vehicular loads of up to 7.5 tons. Its strength and durability are complemented by its crucial flexibility, ensuring it can expand and contract alongside the paving blocks, thus minimizing the risk of cracking and displacement.

The necessary steps involve power washing and carefully scraping away 2-3cm of the old grouting from the joints. Subsequently, these voids should be filled with a strong, fit-for-purpose resin-based paving grouting material, like ROMEX® D1. For additional guidance tailored to your specific application, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help.

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ROMEX® is regarded as one of the leading manufacturers of synthetic resin-based paving jointing mortars. ROMEX® is a family run, specialist business that has been in existence for more than 30 years. We place a high value on the highest quality. We don’t leave any client on their own – because our experience means your success!